Arty Fact!
Arty Quote!
Art stimulates both sides of the brain, develops focus and increases attention.
You can’t use up Creativity.
The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
Art Stop background....


What my customers say
I love the different activities you give us. Thank you for being the best teacher ever!
We love you and we love your class. It’s been such a constant and joy for the girls over the years and your enthusiasm and
Thank you being such a lovely art teacher! Your lessons are extremely fun and enjoyable and I am upset that I must leave.
You have made such a calm and special atmosphere for children to explore art. I really appreciate the hub you’ve made away from the bustle
Having inclusive teachers like you make such a difference. Thank you so so much for giving H this opportunity.
He enjoys your lessons SO much, thank you for guiding him
We love your classes and you are the best teacher!
You give so much back to the children, exhibitions, holiday sessions and trips.
You are the beautiful moon from whose light we stars get light. When you shine, we shine. You provide the opportunity for our creativity to
OH my goodness me! You’re awesome, you’ve got so much talent and dedication!
Some Useful Tips
Been trying out some new pearlescent paints and 1 hour of mindful art later i’ld come up with this. My
As part of the latest theme in the Creative Stars classes, the children were asked to draw a monster in
Using the idea of growth rings in a tree, this is a visual representation of my life starting with my
????A wee rant! I remember when my daughter was a toddler, we went to a playgroup held at a school.
This piece evokes so many things in me. Although yellow is my favourite colour , I find it quite jarring
Today I finished my next mini cross stitch masterpiece, Girl with a Pearl Earring, painted by Johannes Vermeer in 1665.